colleagues, hello!

another year is coming to an end. First of all, I would like to thank the customers who have given us the opportunity to serve the formwork in the country and even all over the world. I would also like to thank all the third parties who have given us their strong support. On behalf of all my colleagues in Shuai Steel Group, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks! Thank you, with your company all the way, Shuai Gang can get to today and go further!

Shuai Steel Company has made remarkable achievements in the production quality of formwork and the punctuality of delivery time through continuous efforts. We take the requirements of customers as the main standard, and constantly strive to improve the quality of management and employees, so as to make our team become a special force capable of rapid response. Can adapt to the different production standards of more customers, and achieve customer satisfaction, as much as possible to solve the customer's worries.

Shuai Steel Company has always paid special attention to brand building. We are very clear about the elements that a good brand must have. Therefore, no matter in the industrial chain or in the production value chain, Shuai Gang pursues "high quality" first. High-quality customer base, high-quality suppliers, high-quality third-party manufacturers, high-quality production technicians, and high-quality workshop management. This series of high-quality combinations have created high-quality Shuai Steel and high-quality Shuai Steel formwork.

Group Company marks a step closer to our original listing plan. I hope that our high-quality industrial chain will continue until it goes public, until every link in the entire industrial chain is thriving.

Group has integrated the industry chain resources and established a large-scale industrial chain production platform. We have begun to shoulder the important task of infrastructure for the healthy development of the industry. We hope that through our efforts, all colleagues in the industry can easily get their own place.

I think we are completing a career together. In the process of completing this career, every member of the entire industrial chain and value chain is indispensable and a very important member. Only when we unite and stick to our posts, do our respective work well, and make our respective products the most perfect, can we complete this everyone's career, so we must continue to be strict with our attitude towards work. We can't just live for ourselves. We must make our career bigger and stronger and then we can provide help to more people in need. Only in this way can you not become a burden to others, and you are qualified to speak to contribute to society and serve the people.

, the quality of Shuai Steel has not spread badly in the market, which is what I hope. All this comes from our capable third-party manufacturers. With their high-quality cooperation, Shuai Steel can maintain and have this good reputation. Of course, the company has maintained a record since its establishment: it never owes money to suppliers, even for one day. I think this should be obvious to all third parties. Shuai Gang will always adhere to this principle of good faith, and hope that customers can give us support in this regard, and do not let Shuai Gang break its promise to cooperate with downstream units.

company has always been in good faith in the principle of doing things, no matter to old customers or new customers, as long as the promise will never break the promise, this makes me deeply gratified. Shuai Gang's principle is to tailor-made for customers. What is given to customers must be what the customers want. Therefore, in the preliminary confirmation after the order is issued, our engineering department has more procedures, more careful and complicated procedures. Please be patient and not be too annoying. This is the company's regulation. I think we should focus on preventing problems in the early stage. Only when we clearly understand what the customers really need, only then can we produce the product you want. Our consistent philosophy is "doing the right thing is always better than doing the right thing". If there is a slight deviation in communication and understanding, it will lead to later problems, which will naturally lead to unnecessary losses. I hope you can understand and give support! We put all the energy of after-sales service in the early stage prevention. The products we pursue do not need after-sales service. They are all what customers want and are of high quality!

, we cooperate very well, because we first know what you really want, then do what you want completely according to your meaning, and then send it to you on time. We only hope that you can smile when you receive the product. This is the best comfort that Shuai Steel people expect!

brand comes from customers who send high praise from the heart. The high praise comes from customers who have received the products they really want. Good products come from all colleagues who have worked hard in the whole production chain! Thank you, everyone Shuai Gang is not alone all the way, and your Shuai Gang will be brilliant in the future!

December 15, 2016